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来源:www.chinanovo.net   发布时间:2024-04-28 21:19:04  浏览:0


Website optimization is a concept often mentioned in the process of website operation. In fact, website optimization is not a single means or method of website promotion, but refers to the implementation of effect oriented methods in the website operation process. It is a relatively comprehensive network marketing method based on the comprehensive network marketing tools of the enterprise's official website or related websites. Website optimization usually refers to the systematic website optimization of an enterprise website, which should be taken seriously in all related aspects such as website planning and construction, post operation and maintenance, and upgrading. Simply from the perspective of a website, it is the rational design of key elements such as website functionality, website structure, interface design, webpage layout, webpage content, and services, in order to achieve optimal results in website functionality and presentation, fully demonstrate the website's network marketing function, and play a positive role in realizing customer value. The meaning of website optimization is specifically reflected in three aspects: user optimization, network environment optimization (including search engine optimization), and website maintenance optimization, as follows:


Optimize for users



Enterprise websites should provide users with valuable services. When users visit the website, they can quickly and conveniently browse website information, use various services on the website, such as product introduction, company overview, product usage help, FAQs, user comments, and online services, so as to create a full sense of trust among customers. User optimization has a certain degree of similarity and relevance to what we commonly refer to as website user experience, website usability, and website credibility. When emphasizing these specific forms of expression, more emphasis is placed on providing users with valuable content information, including but not limited to text, images, and video materials, such as timely and effective information. This is a long-term and meticulous work that requires continuous revision and improvement.


Optimization of network environment


Creating effective information communication channels is the basic work of online marketing, and most of these communication channels belong to third-party Internet services, such as search engines, social media, B2B platforms, B2C platforms, blogs, microblogs, WeChat marketing, short videos, etc. The transmission of information will be affected by the network environment, so we should consider the combination of internal resources and external network environment. Due to the fact that search engines are the main channel for acquiring users, search engine optimization is one of the important and long-term tasks in network environment optimization. However, search engine optimization is not the entirety of website optimization. In search engine optimization, efforts should be made to ensure that the content of one's webpage can be indexed and exposed more smoothly by search engines. When users search through search engines, the relevant webpage content can appear in the ideal position of the search results and provide attractive summary information to users, allowing users to discover relevant information and arouse interest, and then enter the website to obtain detailed information through the guidance of search results.


Optimizing website operation and maintenance


The display and performance of website page content require the hard work of website maintenance personnel. Website administrators need to carefully maintain the information release, product management, user management, online customer service, and other aspects of the website backend. Therefore, a professional, efficient, flexible, secure, and convenient website management system is extremely important for website optimization. It can fully reflect the website's network marketing function, and enable various network marketing methods and internal resource marketing to play a significant role.

一、明确建站目的和需求1、 Clarify the purpose and requirements of website construction在挑选建站类型之前,企业要明确自己的建站目的和需
1.垂直领域内容输出1. Vertical domain content output视频发布的动态要与账号定位匹配,并且要以垂直领域作为核心输出点。保持长期的内容输出,提高账户权重,吸引到更多且更为
